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2 years ago
ChatApp cases

Automate the conference process through ChatApp

A successful case of our WEBMENS partners, who have been able to fundamentally rebuild the company's workflows using the CRM tools of the Bitrix24 system and the ChatApp multi-channel business chat services. As a result of the implementation of the case, the contracting authority, whose main activity is related to the holding of business and management conferences, has moved to a new level of management and development, significantly increasing the efficiency of its work and expanding the customer base.

This case addresses the following issues:

  • The use of ChatApp robots that automatically form and disband WhatsApp groups to organize communication with conference participants, carry out mass mailing of notifications, including with attached documents.
  • Organizing conferences through the CRM system of Bitrix24 and integrated into it with the help of services ChatApp the most popular messenger in Russia WhatsApp.

Our WEBMENS partners have been approached by a company whose main activity is business and management conferences. The customer's company employs 4 employees and carries out its activities in Moscow.

The main problems voiced by the Customer were that the company did not have a system for recording participants and their positions in conferences. As a result of this, data on students was kept by various employees of the company in disparate systems, so there was no single database of students with up-to-date information on the process of working with them. According to the results of conferences, certificates are issued to students in paper and electronic form. This process was also not systematized and conducted by each employee at his discretion, as a result of which there were situations when the documents did not reach the listener and caused a negative response to the activities and, accordingly, the image of the company. The process of communicating with customers was carried out by company employees manually in the messenger WhatsApp in personal chats. And since there were many conferences and accordingly listeners, information was partially lost and did not reach customers. There was no unified system for working with customers in the company, it was difficult for managers to control these processes and, accordingly, to influence them in a timely manner. By the time we contacted our partners in the ordering company, there was a rather difficult situation that needed to be solved.

Our WEBMENS partners studied and analyzed the company's processes in detail, highlighting the main areas that required early restructuring. The main idea that our WEBMENS partners offered the customer company was that all business processes should be formalized and transferred to the customer relationship management system and organize communication with customers using a solution to integrate one of the most popular instant messengers in Russia. WhatsApp

As a control system of relationship with clients (CRM) one of the systems, most popular in Russia, - Bitrix24 whose golden partner are ours partneryWEBMENS was chosen.

During the implementation of the project, all customer data was transferred to the Bitrix24 system, thus the company has a single database of them with all the necessary information that is available to all employees of the company at any time.

The CRM system organized the structure of employees, with certain rights and obligations, created and configured sales funnels with automation, document templates, mandatory fields, as well as notifications.

To automatically download information on conference participants, templates for importing data from Excel files were developed, since the main information on listeners of the client company is sent in this form.

In Bitrix24, business process diagrams were set up in groups that automated the "patchwork" of an employee of the customer company in a single system, thereby formalizing and simplifying the main processes of activity, which were previously difficult to control and caused many difficulties: sending certificates, monitoring and accounting users as participants in any conference of the company.

In Bitrix24, business process diagrams were set up in groups that automated the "patchwork" of an employee of the customer company in a single system, thereby formalizing and simplifying the main processes of activity, which were previously difficult to control and caused many difficulties: sending certificates, monitoring and accounting users as participants in any conference of the company.

Our partners trained the customer's employees to work with Bitrix24, emphasizing the organization of effective work in the system, namely, the ability to create tasks, work with Live Tape, conduct transactions on created funnels, work with chats and telephony.

One of the main tasks that it was necessary to solve the customer company was to organize effective communication with clients - conference listeners - in the messenger with the ability to make mass mailings of information and timely communicate information to customers.

Our WEBMENS partners solved this problem by using our ChatApp service to implement the integration of WhatsApp, which was chosen as the main messenger by the customer company, into the CRM Bitrix24 system.

This solution allowed the ordering company to combine in one place the communication of company managers with customers from a single company number. All dialogues are now conducted from Bitriks24 through the ChatApp service in the messenger WhatsApp.

Employees create WhatsApp member groups from Bitrix24, use response templates, and automatically send important mass notifications to participants with attached documents on schedule (month/week/day before the event) using customized ChatApp robots. This solution made it possible to radically transform the process of interaction with customers, solved the problem of partial loss of information, which previously caused customers great dissatisfaction and negative emotions. Thus, the image and status of the customer company in the eyes of customers has grown significantly, increasing their loyalty to the company's products. Also, communication in a single messenger allowed to reduce the working time of company managers with clients and generally increased the efficiency of their work, shifting the focus from tracking millions of personal chats to more important tasks.

As a result of the implementation of this case by our WEBMENS partners, the client company managed to build the processes of its activities in the most efficient way and significantly simplify the work of its employees with customers, due to which the efficiency of their work has increased many times, and this in turn allowed the company to expand its customer base, increase the image and status of the company in the eyes of customers and significantly increase total income.

The main field of the customer company’s activity: holding conferences on business and management issues.

Number of employees working in Bitrix24: 4

Location of the customer company: Moscow.


The Customer has contacted us with several issues:

  1. Lack of a system for taking into account participants and their positions in conferences. Trainees are conducted in different systems and by different employees. Many conferences, many companies, and their participants.
  2. The process of issuing certificates of participation is difficult depending on the type of listener. Documents should be sent in paper and electronic form to the participant, but not all documents reached the participants.
  3. Participants are informed manually by WhatsApp. There were situations when important information was untimely communicated to the participants.

Having analyzed the Customer's business processes in detail, we have proposed the following solutions:

  1. Transfer of all customer data to Bitrix24, organization of employee structure, with certain rights and obligations, creation of sales funnels, automation, document templates, mandatory fields, and notifications.
  2. Create an application that allows you to download conference information. Data on the participants are sent to the company in an Excel file.
  3. Create a business process diagram of working in groups, distributing certificates, monitoring, and accounting users as participants in any company conference.
  4. Training employees to effectively interact with Bitrix24, namely, the ability to create tasks, work with the Live Ribbon, conduct transactions on created funnels, work with chats and telephony.
    Integration of Bitrix24 with WhatsApp using the application ChatsApp24.

The result of the implementation for the contracting authority was as follows:

  1. All customer data was transferred to a single client base of Bitriks24. This made it possible to ensure effective work with re-sales and build the further work of employees.
  2. You have created a participant management application that allows you to get accurate analytics about the participation of listeners in any conference.
  3. The implemented scheme of working with certificates allowed the employees of the customer company to control the process of sending paper and electronic documents about participation to the conference participants on time.
  4. The efficiency of working with customers has increased due to the fact that the entire history of communication is now recorded in the system.
  5. Thanks to the application ChatsApp24 employees communicate with customers from Bitriks24 by WhatsApp. Employees now create WhatsApp member groups from Bitrix24, use response templates, and automatically send important mass notifications to participants on schedule (month/week/day before the event). This made it possible to increase the efficiency of working with participants and significantly save the time of the Customer's employees to communicate with customers in the messenger.

Implemented case:

Company WEBMENS, Gold Partner Bitrix24.

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