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Pay the customer line by your bank account

After you fill in the company and bank details, you can get an invoice for them. It can be paid from the bank application or in a bank branch.

1. Go to your ChatApp personal account;

2. In the left menu, go to the Selected company section;

3. On the payment page, click Buy for a client;

4. To the right of the slider, select the company from which you want to pay for the line;

5. Select the period of the line. If you buy for 12 months, you'll get 20% back on your bonus account;

6. Select channels of communication.

7. Slide the Payment from company slider to the right and select your company;

8. At the bottom, click To pay;

9. In the payment methods, select Invoice.

10. A PDF document will open, which you can print or send.

All invoices issued to your company are stored in your personal account. To access them:

  1. Go back to Selected company;
  2. Click on the tab with your company name on it;
  3. In the Recent operations section, click on Payment for Order #...;
  4. In the opened window, click Request invoice.
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