After you fill in the company and bank details, you can get an invoice for them. It can be paid from the bank application or in a bank branch.
1. Go to your ChatApp personal account;
2. In the left menu, go to the Selected company section;
3. On the payment page, click Buy for a client;
4. To the right of the slider, select the company from which you want to pay for the line;
5. Select the period of the line. If you buy for 12 months, you'll get 20% back on your bonus account;
6. Select channels of communication.
7. Slide the Payment from company slider to the right and select your company;
8. At the bottom, click To pay;
9. In the payment methods, select Invoice.
10. A PDF document will open, which you can print or send.
All invoices issued to your company are stored in your personal account. To access them:
- Go back to Selected company;
- Click on the tab with your company name on it;
- In the Recent operations section, click on Payment for Order #...;
- In the opened window, click Request invoice.