1. Connect Telegram to receive notifications on the authorization form “Log in with Telegram”:
Or go to the My Business page and click on the notification Connect system notifications about channel authorization status.
Or go to the My Business page, then click on the selected company (pic. 1). After going to the Company page, select the Notification item (pic. 2).
After that, a modal window for connecting notifications will open. Here you need to click on the button Login in with Telegram.
2. Select a country, enter a phone number in international format to use Telegram for cabinet.chatapp.online. Confirm the connection in Telegram account:
3. Confirm the connection in Telegram
- Press the button - Accept in a message from Telegram
- After that, in the authorization window of your personal account in the browser, the system will ask you to confirm the sending of notifications - Allow ChatApp [Notifications] to write to you in Telegram and Accept authorization:
4. In the personal account authorization window in the browser, the system will ask you to log in to the ChatApp account (log in or register):
5. To enable system notifications:
- Open the Settings of the license for which you are enabling notifications
- Turn on notifications in the Notifications section:
Turn off notifications in Telegram
- Go to Settings - Privacy and security- Show all sessions
- In the Active Sessions section, select the device - Telegram Widgets
- Next, click the button - End the session
Or open a modal window for connecting notifications and click the Unbind authorization button.