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Share script

If you want to show your script to another person, you don't need to screen share or share screenshots. Share your script instead.

How to share a script

1. Create a bot script. Save it and publish it;

2. Go to Scripts;

3. Click on the button next to the desired script;

4. In the pop-up window, click "Share";

5. Select the copy options you want to activate. In the "Link" field, click "View";

6. Copy the generated link and send it to the user you want to share the script with.

How to save the script to yourself

To save and edit a script shared with you, you need your individual Bot key.

Important: do not transfer your Bot key to third parties under any circumstances.

1. In the upper right corner of the script selection menu, click on “Copy Bot key”;

2. Follow the link to the script that was shared with you. Click “Save to yourself”;

3. Paste the previously copied key into the field and save the bot.

Done! You have saved your bot and can edit it at your discretion.

Changes to the saved bot shared with you will not affect the original script.

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