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Exclude communication between lines from dialogs

When you connect more than one line, there is a possibility of cross-communication. For example, a company has 3 working phones. They have ChatApp lines connected to them. These phones are given to three employees. The employees are communicating with each other from the work numbers. As a result, these conversations are displayed in dialogs and trigger the creation of deals in CRM. 

By default, "Incoming messages from own lines" is enabled in the dialog. Turn it off to exclude messages from other lines in your company.  Here's instruction on how to do this:

1) Go to your personal account;

2) In the menu on the left, go to "My Business";

3) Click on the line in which you wish to disable the option;

Incoming messages from other lines will stop appearing in the dialogs of the selected line. Outgoing messages from this line will still be visible on the other lines.

4) In front of "Incoming messages from own lines", move the slider to the inactive position, as shown in the screenshot.


5) Repeat steps 1- 4 with the rest of the company lines.

Important. Messages are excluded within one company. Messages cannot be excluded between companies.

Now that you have disabled this feature, employees will still be able to communicate with each other in messengers, but it will not appear in dialogs and CRM systems.

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