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How to use ChatApp's smart mailing list for subscribed contacts

If a user subscribes to the ChatApp bot, then information about this falls into the list of subscribers in the Personal Account. By subscribed users, you can create and send a mailing list of messages.

How to create and set up a mailing list for subscribers?

1️⃣ Open mailings and select mailing list by subscribers

Go to your ChatApp Personal Account  and select "Distributions" from the side menu.

Select a mailing list for subscribed users.

2️⃣ Specify a name, start and end date of distribution, select a time, and intervals

When creating a new distribution, it must be configured. Specify the name of the mailing list, which will be displayed in the Personal Account in the mailing list, then select the days, start and end date of distribution, times, and intervals for sending messages.

When choosing an interval, consider that WhatsApp messages need at least 30 seconds between messages, while Telegram needs at least 20 minutes between messages.

3️⃣ Select a license and download a list of subscribers

Click on the “Select a license” field and in the drop-down list select the number of the license from which the list of subscribers will be loaded and from which messages will be sent. Click on the "Upload Subscribers" button. The list of subscribers will be loaded and displayed in the table.

You can export the mailing list to CSV or exel. The list can also be imported from a file by clicking on the "Import from file" button.

4️⃣ Enter text, attach files and save changes

In the free field, enter the text of the newsletter, and then attach the files, if necessary.

Save your changes and go to the broadcast launch screen.

How to start, pause or change the mailing list for subscribed contacts?

Click on the “Back” button or select the “Mailings” item in the side menu,

Select the generated and saved mailing list, and click on the “Start mailing list” button. Newsletter can be suspended at any time by clicking on the "Pause mailing" button.

To make changes to the newsletter, click on the "Edit newsletter" button.

At any time, you can view information about the mailing list, view the status of sent messages, or delete the mailing list using the appropriate buttons.

How to use smart messaging via Telegram and WhatsApp →

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