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Connecting ChatGPT to ChatApp

In ChatApp, artificial intelligence has been added to the bot builder and Assistant. You can also train it on quick responses, but before using it, you need to connect your OpenAI account in the personal account.

Obtaining the Token

1. Go to the ChatGPT website.

2. Click on "Sign Up."

3. Enter your email address and password.

4. Confirm your email and provide the required information.

  1. Go to the OpenAI page through the link.
  2. Log in to your account.
  3. Click on "API keys" and create a new key.

To obtain an API key, a verified account is required. Since the service is not available in Russia, you need an international phone number. You can use third-party services to purchase a virtual number (usually around 50 rubles).

It's essential to understand that an account registered with someone else's number may be at risk of being lost.

If the account is not verified, click on "API keys," then "Start verification

4. Copy the obtained key.

Connecting GPT in ChatApp

1. Go to your ChatApp personal account.

2. In the left menu, click on "Automation."

3. Click on "Bot."

4. Choose an existing bot or create a new one.

5. In the right menu, click on "GPT API."

6. Enter the bot name and integration name.

7. Paste the API key that was copied from OpenAI.

Great! Now you can use GPT in Assistant and the bot builder, as well as train artificial intelligence with your quick responses.

Train ChatGPT on quick responses (Create model)

GPT in Assistant

GPT in the bot builder

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