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Create CRM Lead

The “Create CRM Lead” block allows you to automate the creation of leads during the bot’s communication with the client.

Important: The block only works in Bitrix24.

Creating a Lead in CRM using a block

Before using the “Create CRM Lead” block, you need to link the company to the CRM system. Next, follow these steps:

1. Go to the script editor;

2. From the menu on the left, drag the “Create CRM Lead” block to the work area;

3. Click on “Customize data”;

4. In the pop-up window, fill in all fields;


  • Each field can be written as variables;
  • You cannot save the script if the “Create CRM lead” block is separate from the script;
  • You cannot save the scenario if there is no CRM attached to the company and the scenario contains the “Create CRM Lead” block;
  • A link to the dialogue in DialogsPro is added in the comment to the created lead.

5. Save and publish the bot.

Done! Now when the script reaches this block, a lead will be created in the CRM system.

What to include in each field

Field "Name"

Enter the name you want to see for the created lead in Bitrix24;

Field "Stage"

Enter the name of the lead stage;

Field "Amount"

Enter the amount in rubles or currency as a whole number;

Field "Employee"

Select an employee from the list or specify his ID as in CRM. The variable is written in double curly braces "{{Variable}}"

Field "Name"

Enter the contact's full name from the CRM system;

“Contact ID” field

Enter the contact ID from CRM;

"Username" field

Enter the contact's username in Latin;

"Phone" field

Enter the number according to the specified format. You can add multiple numbers;

Field "E-mail"

Enter one or more contact email addresses;

"Comment" field

Enter a comment that will appear in the card in CRM;

"Address" field

Enter the contact's address;

Field "Position"

Enter the contact's position;

Field "Date of birth"

Enter the contact's date of birth in the format DD.MM.YYYY

Field "Company name"

Enter the company name that you want to display in CRM

"Custom Fields" field

Enter the field ID from CRM and its value.

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