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How to pay a client's line from your company wallet

You can top up your company's wallet and use it to pay the line for a client.

Step 1: Top up your company wallet

To pay from your company wallet, you must first top up your company wallet. Here's how to do it:

1) Go to your ChatApp personal account;
2)In the left menu, select the region by clicking on the country flag under your profile icon. The currency for which you will purchase the line depends on this.
3) In the left menu, select "My Business";
4) Click on the bar with the company name;
5) Click "Top Up."
6) Enter the amount and click "To Pay."
7) Select the "Invoice" payment method or another one convenient to you;
8) Make your payment.

Step 2: Pay from Company wallet

1) On the payment page, click "Buy for a client";
2) Select the client;
3) Slide the "Payment by company" slider to the right and select your company;
4) Select your subscription period and the appropriate communication channels;
5) At the bottom, click "To Pay".
6) On the page that opens, click "From Wallet of (company name)".

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