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Receiving an extended result of message delivery in Bitrix24 automation rules

In our Bitrix24 automation rules, the standard results based on the phone number are "Y" for success and "N" for error. Now you can select the extended result and receive the full text and error code. This way, you can find out exactly what went wrong and use this information for other automation rules.

To enable the extended result, you need to install ChatApp application installed in Bitrix24 and communication channels connected. Here are the steps to receive the extended result:

1. Go to your Bitrix24 personal account.

2. Navigate to the pipeline where you want to set up the automation rules.

3. On the right side of the funnel, click on "automation rules".

4. Click on the "+" symbol in the pipeline stage where the automation rule will work.

5. Select one of the following ChatApp automation rules:

  • Send a message
  • Send a file
  • Send a document to CRM
  • Send a message to a group
  • Send a file to a group
  • Send a WABA template message
  • Send a WACA template message

6. Fill in the required fields.

7. Set "Yes" for the "Wait for asynchronous result" field.

In the next bot, you can choose the "Detailed result" as a condition or in another field. For example, you can display a notification for an employee.

Usage example:

To display a notification with the detailed result after the previous steps:

1. In the same pipeline stage after the previous ChatApp bot, create an "Add notification".

2. Check the "After the previous automation rules" option.

3. Click on "..." next to the "Message text" field.

4. In the dropdown, click on "Automation rules".

5. Select the previously created automation rules.

6. Click on "Detailed result".

7. Choose the notification recipient, for example, "Responsible person".

8. Click "Save".

Now, when you move a card to this stage, the responsible person will receive a notification with the detailed result.

You can come up with your own ways to use this option. For example, you can process this field in an iterator or configure reactions based on the error text. This allows you to customize business processes more flexibly within your company.

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