There are 3 categories of templates developed for WhatsApp Business API in ChatApp.
- Authentication - Ability to authenticate users with one-time codes, e.g. during a multi-step login process, account verification, account recovery, account integrity issues
- Marketing - Sending promotions, offers, information, or calls to action to customers. Any correspondence that does not fall under the description of the categories "Services" or "Authentication"
- Utility - Processing specific requests or transactions, sending customers updates on the current transaction, including post-purchase notifications and checks for regular purchases.
Template examples
1. Verification code EN
Element name: verification_code01
Template text: Hello! Verification code {{1}}
Type: TEXT
Language: English
2. Thank you for registration
Element name: thankforregistration1
Template text: Hi! Thank you for registration at {{1}}. Meeting at {{2}} at {{3}}. See you!
Type: TEXT
Language: English
3. No Name
Element name: sample_issue_resolution
Template text: Hi {{1}}, were we able to solve the issue that you were facing?
This message is from an unverified business. | [Yes] | [No]
Category: Utility
Type: TEXT
Language: English