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Telegram groups management in ChatApp Dialog

When you connect the Telegram channel, all groups are placed in our archive. Any new groups you join will also be automatically archived.

This is done to prevent thousands of messages from groups from overwhelming the line and interfering with the operators' work. You can choose only the necessary chats to work with in ChatApp Dialog. 

If you want the groups to appear in a unified window, follow these steps:

Important! If you have disabled Telegram and then reconnected it, the groups will be archived, and you will need to go through these steps again.

1. Open the settings.

2. Select Telegram Groups and choose the line.

3. After selecting the line, the list of groups from Telegram will load.

If the toggle switch is active, messages from groups will be received in ChatApp Dialog. Disable the groups whose messages you do not want to see in ChatApp Dialog.

How to remove a mega-group or channel from ChatApp Dialog:

Please note: This specifically applies to channels and mega-groups. It does not apply to regular groups. You can remove a group from ChatApp Dialog, but it will still remain in the Telegram app.

1. Go to the settings.

2. Click on "Telegram Groups".

3. Choose the line.

4. Disable the group by sliding the toggle switch to the inactive position.

5. Go back to the main page and click on the chat you want to delete.

6. Click on and select "Delete".

Deleting a regular group through ChatApp Dialog will clear the message history in that group in Telegram. 

After refreshing the page, the group will disappear from the chat list, and new messages from that group will not appear in ChatApp Dialog.

Common errors in Telegram group settings:

  • Telegram Personal is not connected to the license.

  • No groups found in Telegram. Check if the desired group is added in your Telegram app.

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